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In The Loop – Patient Newsletter August 2023

Posted by: Ryan Hampson-Miller - Posted on:

Having a Patient Newsletter has been a real priority for us at the surgery. We really pride ourselves in delivering excellent patient care, and have a strong relationship to our community

We will be regularly sending out our newsletter, and I hope that it will be of use to you all. We have had an extremely successful 2023 so far, and to make it even better, it is also our 20th anniversary.

In this newsletter you will find important practice updates, the future of your GP surgery, new staff members and some really useful health information. Should you require anymore information about the surgery then I urge you to check our our new website;

1 reply on “In The Loop – Patient Newsletter August 2023”

  • Ryan and Debbie, a duo so keen,
    At Winshill Medical, they’re often seen.
    Ryan’s with files, always in a whirl,
    While Debbie’s known for her perfect twirl.

    In hallways they dash, with laughter and chatter,
    Solving health puzzles, matter by matter.
    Ryan tells jokes, with a mischievous grin,
    Debbie laughs loud, then the day can begin!

    With stethoscopes ready, they’re quite the pair,
    Bringing smiles and care, with a style so rare.
    In Winshill’s halls, their names do echo,
    Ryan and Debbie, the med center’s gecko!

    They’re more than staff, they’re a hearty team,
    In the world of health, they’re a bright beam.
    So here’s to Ryan and Debbie, in their medical venture,
    The heart and soul of Winshill Medical Centre!

    Tree Mail

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