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Childrens Mental Health

We are here for you.
From practical advice to helping you find support

Non-urgent advice: Call 999 or go to A&E now if:

– someone’s life is at risk – for example, they have seriously injured themselves or taken an overdose

– you do not feel you can keep yourself or someone else safe

A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a physical one. You will not be wasting anyone’s time.

Call: 999

Non-urgent advice: Your feelings are valid

If you’re struggling with your feelings, you’re not alone. We have loads of practical tips and advice from young people just like you, as well as information on getting the support you need. 

Reaching out for help

Asking for help with your mental health can be hard, but you are not alone. Read our tips for having that conversation, and advice on where to turn for support.

Why do you need help?

Sometimes things can seem overwhelming, and it can feel like you can’t cope or it is too difficult to manage how you’re feeling. You may simply just be having a bad day, or you may have an ongoing mental health problem that needs support. The important thing is not to try to cope on your own.

When you’re struggling, it’s not good to spend too much time alone, especially if you are feeling low and vulnerable. It’s at times like these that you need to be able to talk to someone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Text in yellow and light blue bubble writing reads 'it is okay to show that you are not okay'.

What’s stopping you from asking for help?

Asking for help isn’t always easy. Whether it is a friend, someone in your family, a faith leader or anyone else, you may feel that you don’t want to burden others by telling them your problems. You may worry about what a particular person or your community will think about you if you say you’re struggling with your mental health, or that they could tell other people about what you’ve said. You may even be afraid that they’ll laugh at you.

But the truth is, people who care about you will want to help you. Even if at first it seems that they don’t understand, opening up that discussion is often the first step towards feeling better.

Our bloggers share their experiences of opening up and how it helped:

Who can you ask for help?

Everyone’s support network is different and you will know best who you feel most comfortable to turn to. This could be:

  • Your family – parents or carers, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles or cousins.
  • Trusted friends – your own friends, friends of the family, neighbours.
  • Professionals – your GP, a doctor or nurse, a social worker, a therapist.
  • Colleagues or people you work with.
  • A community support group or online community.
  • A faith leader or trusted member within your religious community.

You deserve help and support – don’t forget that.

See this guide on how to speak to us about Mental Health How To Speak To Your GP About Your Mental Health | YoungMinds

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