Find urgent and emergency care services

Where you can go for urgent and emergency care depends on how severe your injury or condition is.

Non-urgent advice: Urgent advice:If you’re not sure what to do:

You can call 111 or get help from 111 online.

For severe and life-threatening emergencies

Accident and emergency (A&E) is for serious injuries and life-threatening emergencies.

These are things like heavy bleeding, choking and seizures. Find out more about when to go to A&E.

Find your nearest A&E

For non life-threatening emergencies

You can go to an urgent treatment centre if you need medical attention but it’s not a life-threatening situation.

These are things like stomach pain, minor injuries, skin infections and rashes. Find out more about when to visit urgent treatment centres (urgent care services).

More in Urgent and emergency care services

Page last reviewed: 24 May 2023
Next review due: 24 May 2024